Dredging and Marine Construction Operations

Alluvion is partnered with The Dutra Group to provide biological services for its on-going Dredging and Marine Construction Operations. Dutra Construction is at the forefront of the surging maritime infrastructure sector, is an industry leader in Hopper and Clamshell Dredging, performing Operations and Maintenance, Capital Deepening Projects, Restoration and Storm Recovery work, and Beach Nourishment across the U.S. Alluvion oversees many of its compliance monitoring and mitigation efforts in and around the Bay Area.

Construction Monitoring and Reporting

Alluvion provides biological services to meet your construction compliance needs. These services range from but not limited too, permitting oversight and guidance, pre-construction surveys, construction monitoring, technical reporting, species relocations and exclusion through preventative designs, biological resources information programs that are project tailored and workers education training for construction personal, and stakeholder coordination. Our staff of experts are providence guidance for compliance and mitigation oversight, adding in project productivity and scheduled timelines and while protecting and reserving natural environmental resources for listed and non listed species.

Biological Resource Training

Alluvion is committed to the effective communication of current science and regulations. We provide customized training curriculum for our project partners as well as on-site instruction for construction personnel. We ensure that each project complies with local, state, and federal regulations regarding special status species.

Species Exclusion

For over a decade Alluvion has provided bird and bat exclusion device design, planning, and implementation for infrastructure projects throughout the state. This has cultivated expertise in evaluating the specific requirements for each unique project/structure, and to humanely and effectively evict and exclude sensitive species from bridges, culverts, vaults, and other structures. These solutions have been effectively implemented prior to construction, and during construction activities to safely mitigate the presence of regulated species and allow work to continue. Alluvion has a proven track record of innovative and cost effective exclusion solutions that benefit wildlife, project budgets and timelines alike.

Biological Monitoring and Reporting

Alluvion provides on-site monitoring services for both large and smallscale construction projects. Our staff are trained and experienced to monitor and report on special status plants, amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, bats, and marine mammals.

Water quality monitoring and reporting

Our staff is proficient in a variety of water quality sampling (techniques, environments), analysis, and reporting practices. We have experience working with groundwater, streams/rivers and estuaries.